Friday, January 31, 2014

Psssst... Remember We Gotta Give Them the Gold

Meryl Davis and Charlie White will become Olympic Champions in Sochi.  Unless they fall flat on their faces the judges will give them ridiculously high scores and turn a blind eye even if they make visible mistakes.  In December Meryl and Charlie won their fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final title despite making obvious errors in the Finnsteps and getting credit for it, they even received top levels with great GOE on obvious errors.
He even almost bumped into Meryl.

Here is the link and an excerpt to an expert blog called Ice Dance Analysts that had a closer look on the Finnsteps.

Davis/White received credit for this key point, but it looks like this was a close call as Davis’s exit edge for this choctaw was a little flat/barely an inside edge and thus not a clear inside edge (again, this is not the best angle). She quickly leans to produce the inside edge which is aided by the movement of the free leg back and to the right, but this is after the blade placement (and remember that the blade placement is very important in the assessment of key points).

Davis/White received credit for this key point, but Davis appears to place her blade on a flat rather than a clear outside edge for the exit edge of the choctaw. With another technical panel they might not have received credit for this key point. (Unfortunately White's blade is obscured by Davis's boot, but if one partner does not meet the criteria, the team does not receive credit for the key point).

This was their twizzle attempt in the SD

Charlie messed up on the entrance into the first set and went out of sync with Meryl.  He even almost bump into Meryl.

Slow motion of the first set
Screen cap, they were almost 180 degrees out of sync.  That's like, as out of sync as you can get.
For this element, Meryl and Charlie received a level 4 with three judges giving a grade of execution of +3.
After the SD, to paraphrase a previous article, every person, their moms and their cats thought they should not have been placed first.  Even Meryl herself agreed after their marks came up in the Kiss & Cry area.  

Here is the FD

Not as bad as the SD

But definitely flawed to receive awesome scores of the element

Again, very flawed execution in synchronization
Charlie also wobbled out of his exit and lost unison with Meryl
For their FD twizzles, they received level 4 again with two judges handing out +3s and the rest +2s in grade of execution.

When other couples make obvious errors, the judges no holds barred would mark them down.  With Meryl and Charlie, not gonna happen because we gotta give them the Gold.  Using the words of one of their fans when they thought the Russian dance couple Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitri Soloviev were over marked in Rostelcom Cup over Canadians Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje, how do couples wake up every morning and train when they know even if they did their very best and outskate their competitors, they will never be allowed to score over them even with visible flaws.

How indeed.


  1. D/W should never have won GPF. They made mistakes in both SD and FD but tech people didn't downgrade when they should have and the judges gave out GOE of +3 and 10s in timing for flawed performances. Amazing what PR will do for your scores. Tell everyone that D/W are fast and good and healthy and he has amazing wizard hair and she's a disney princess and they are just frigging PERFECT and what do you get? Perfect scores in spite of mistakes.

    Other teams makes mistakes, and almost always they get docked. Gotta make sure those perfect dancers win at all costs - blah!

    I ask myself the same question you post in this entry, only it's how do V/M continue to get up and do what they do when all know the fix is IN for D/W to get the US a gold medal in ice dance when D/W don't frigging dance.

    1. its not pr its politcking/lobbying

  2. i cant wait until d/w will fade into obscurity no one will remember their mediocre programs and mediocre skating skills. shame d/w can only win against V/M by whining and through corruption of the competition. they simply dont stand out compared to v/m and dont deserve to be olympic champions or that fifth gpf title. i think sochi would be remembered as the most corrupt and fucked up winter olympics ever (since we also got the persecution of gays going on/other terrorists threat) and this quad of figure skating will be remembered as the most corrupt.

  3. Oof, V/M fans are pissed! And you all know what that means...strangely aggressive blog posts!

    1. tell me how does it make feel that the only way D/W can win an OGM over V/M is to rig the whole competition?

    2. Well I answered in another post, but since you're asking again...amazing!

  4. LOL these posts are hilarious.

    Charlie also wobbled out of his exit and lost unison with Meryl

    I always suspected VM fans were watching different performances from me. I'm just going to take this as confirmation because lol no he didn't???

    And oh god, I just watched VM's performance and guess what, when I slowed it down to super slow mo THEIR TWIZZLES ARE MINUTELY NOT SYNCHRONIZED AT EVER PART OF THE ROTATION. CALL THE ICE DANCE POLICE. IT'S A CONSPIRACY.

    I changed my mind, thanks for linking this on the DW tag. It's been entertaining. xoxo

    1. V/M get punished when their twizzles aren't synchronized. D/W don't. that's the point.

    2. Anon 4:31 DWubers must be proud to have such an articulate fan. Really, first you claim that Charlie didn't mess up the twizzles and then you claim that VM's twizzles are also not synchronized. Not to mention you missed the whole point about the double standard in scoring.

      Hmm, too busy insulting VM fans in order to keep the facts straight in your own post?

    3. Hahaha, I think you missed the sarcasm. That's just embarrassing.

    4. poor attempt at sarcasm if you ask me.

    5. also i thought you were leaving? LOL someone's obsessed.

    6. I'm having a ball! Also, I'm pretty sure there are at least two of us, because I was actually anonymous @ 2:20. Jumped on this comment thread since it was getting a little more action. It's a party!

      Also, that last comment.'s hilarious, when you consider the subject of this blog.
